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Bloomington IFC Picnic

Updated: Nov 5, 2021

By God’s grace, the Mount Hope Lutheran Church has launched an annual picnic on September 24, 2021. The strategic event was aiming to revisit with families, especially after the coronavirus pandemic caused many relationships to languish. We’re thankful to see several folks, church members who stopped coming, the international friendship center (IFC) families and volunteers, and a last-minute illness that prevented a pre-school family from attending. There were approximately 60 people in attendance, excluding those who were planning to attend but illness prevented them from coming. Our Hope is in the Lord; that each personally be blessed and come to the saving knowledge of Christ Jesus! Some of those in attendance do not know the Lord. Some were hurt and scared and lonely. We are His hands and feet, aren’t we?

Very thankful for the gathering, especially to those who worked hard to make it possible. Without volunteers, ministry is impossible.

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